A. O. Dzhugan and E. A. Ulanskii. Two Identities for Integrals of Hypergeometric Type
S. M. Ratseev. Proper T-Ideals of Poisson Algebras with Extreme Properties
I. M. Nikonov. Height Atoms Whose Symmetry Groups Act Transitively on Their Vertex Sets
R. K. Klimov. Closed Geodesics on Piecewise Smooth Constant Curvature Surfaces of Revolution.
V. I. Gorbachev. The Homogenization Method of Bakhvalov–Pobedrya in the Composite Mechanics
A. G. Kalugin. Orientation Instability of Shear Flow of a Nematic Liquid Crystal
Boris Efimovich Pobedrya (26.05.1937 – 01.03.2016)
Index of papers and matherials published in the Journal "Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 1, Matematika. Mekhanika" during 2016 year